Painter, Graphic artist, Illustrater

Karel Demel

Karel  Demel


Karel Demel was born on February 28, 1942 in Prague.

He studied tuba, double bass and trombone at the Prague State Conservatory  and later at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the studio of Prof. Zdeňek Sklenář and Jiří Anderle. He is an excellent artist draftsman and one of the most important Czech graphic artists of his generation. The main inspiration for his work is music and poetry. He uses a combination of different techniques such as drypoint, engraving, etching and aquatint. He is a member of the Hollar Graphic Artists Association.

Karel Demel lives and works in Prague.





1993 -  Galerie Weigl, Nürnberg, Sommerhausen, Rotenturm, Galerie Hollar, Prague
1994 - Galerie U prstenu, Praha, Galerie Eupreuve Artist, Antverp, Belgie
1996 - Olomouc, Castle Buchlovice, Galerie Ikaros Slaný
1997 - Galerie Rahmen, Berlin 
2001 -Traveling exhibition in Lithuania  – Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Plunge
2002 - Traveling exhibition with J. Anderle and O. Kulhánk – Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Bangkok, Singapore
2003 – M+K Galerie, Prague, Convetion Hall, Taiwan
2004 – Galerie Racim, Algiers
2005 – Kabinet grafiky, Prague, Gallery Yumi Hamamatsu, Japan
2007 – National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
2008 – Hotel Villa, Prague, Galerie Epreuve d´Artiste, Antwerp
2010 – Galerie University Pardubice, Galerie v Lazarské, Prague



1983 - Lodz, Medal of Honor Small Forms of Graphics

1986 - Antwerp, 1st Prize Ex libris

1987 - Hanoi, 3rd Prize of the Graphics Triennial, Toronto, honorable mention Miniature Art

1988 - Malbork, medal of honor

1992 - Bratislava, Music Union Award for musical motifs in graphics